Path to the Truth Truth
Prophet Isaiah wrote
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.
And the cow and the bear shall feed, their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like ox.
And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice den.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”
Isaiah 11; Verses 6 to 9( KJV)
Perfect are the Laws of Creation which issued out of the Source of all Wisdom, the Almighty Father of All.
Right here on earth the observable manifestations of these Laws are seen in nature and in our scientific investigations. The Laws remain unchangeable from eternity to eternity for the Source is perfect. Thus a predator will always pursue its prey and preys will always flee from predators; the predator going after its food, while the survival instinct keeps the prey fleeing. All work towards the preservation of the sense of alertness among the species, thus ensuring their development, generation to generation. So it is. So shall it be.
In what sense, therefore are we to understand the Biblical prophecy stated above?
Surely, it’s an understatement to say that the Bible is a book laden with Divine Wisdom and Truth. But the deep truth and wisdom in It can only be unearthed when the writings are viewed from the spiritual. For the Bible indeed is primarily a spiritual book. All narrated experiences, all prophesies in It are meant for the spirit, the inner core of man. Thus they are rendered in the language of the spirit; pictures. Every attempt at bringing the sublime meaning of these renditions to an earthly level with the use of the intellect cannot but result in errors.
The wolf and the lamb are all but pictures. They depict human beings at different levels of spiritual maturity; the arrogant, the meek, the aggressive and the gentle etc., living together In all realms of existence, the co-existence of such a myriad of entities at different levels of spiritual maturity is only possible here on earth. We are meant to live together, learning from one another through a mutual sharing of experience and develop towards perfection. But man fell in this part of creation. We fell woefully like no other creature and developed on a wrong path. The “wolf and the lamb” which are supposed to live in harmony are now hurting, killing and oppressing one another, against the Will of the Almighty Father.
Today the arrogant one is oppressing the meek, the strong against the weak, and the aggressive against the gentle. We have become the predators and the preys. We rage with an obsession to suppress, dominate, hurt and kill one another in many different ways; spiritually and physically.
We are co-existing, not living together…But in the Kingdom of a Thousand Years, commonly call the Millennium, man would forcibly be taught how to live aright. Those who refuse to learn out of their self-will would automatically destroy themselves via their works, for the Will of the Almighty will reign supreme; “What a man soweth, that shall he reap.” Those who are able to pass through the purification will live as man should live.
No doubt human beings on earth would still be at different levels of spiritual maturity but we would live with the sole aim of helping one another through love by mutually sharing our experiences, learning from them and developing gradually towards perfection. We would not be killing, hurting and taking advantage of each other. Love would be the basis of all our actions. The wolf will thus dwell with the lamb; the arrogant with the meek…. .
As in all cases, the key to the spiritual understanding of this prophecy lies in its rendition. This prophecy as written by prophet Isaiah foretold that this new world order would be preceded by the earth being full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
“They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”
Isaiah 11; Verse 9.(KJV)
Surely Prophet Isaiah could not have been referring to animals as having a deep knowledge of the Lord. He could not have been referring to nothing else but man. For man is the only creature causing the disorder in this part of creation and thus the one that needs to change.
Really it ought not to have been difficult to understand that the designations lamb and wolf could not but be pictures. After all in innumerable parts of the Book of Revelation, the Lord Jesus Christ was referred as to the Lamb; the lamb that was slain; the lamb that bears the sins of the world, etc.…It is a forgone conclusion to even a nominal Christian that the lamb cannot but be Jesus Christ. Why is it so difficult then to understand that this prophesy from prophet Isaiah could not be referring to the animals in the literal sense.
Out of my conviction in the Work; “In the Light of Truth” The Grail Message which is one with the Message of the Lord Jesus Christ. But I alone bear the responsibility for all I’ve written herein.
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The Wolf shall Dwell with the Lamb