Path to the Truth Truth

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MAN, today has conditioned himself to experiencing a periodic state of euphoria, elation or what he calls happiness when an unexpected or expected fortune falls into his laps, when he achieved a goal he has set for himself or when another human being satisfies his expectations, to say a few.

Thus, man’s fleeting state of happiness mainly stems from satisfaction in his accomplishment, expectations met in the activities of others or a goal achieved etc.  But no sooner was a goal achieved than another raises its head to be conquered. No sooner had a man satisfied our expectations of him than we start expecting more of him; for our wants are infinite. This’s why man’s happiness is fleeting and non-lasting today.

The aforementioned unnatural conditioning of man has brought in its train the current state of man’s development whereby some can say that; “What one cannot see does not exist.” But consider; man has succeeded in identifying the five sense organs responsible for the perception of sight, taste, smell, touch and sound but what is the sense organ responsible for the perception of happiness? Has science been able to isolate it?  Daily, hourly we experience a periodic state of happiness but have we at any time seen this thing we called happiness?

To say that, whatever we cannot see does not exist shows such a high level of narrow mindedness that one wonders how is it that we  can still hear such among us.  We see the expressions of happiness, we feel it to the core but we cannot see it; for it’s intangible.  Happiness is an experience and expression of the spirit, the inner core of man. It is non-material.  This’s why it cannot be measured or isolated with that which is material.

Joy, the heightened form of happiness, which strikes deep into the spirit and encapsulates it like never to let it go is also fleeting but can be vividly experienced whenever man is engaged in or struck by that which is true to its nature. Thus, a mature human being is joyful when engaged in noble deeds, while those human beings who have become dark entities in their wanderings in this part of creation also derive their own distorted form of elation when engaged in what are clearly ignoble or evil deeds to an average man.     

Today, majority of us do experience the temporary or transient form of happiness and many long for that which is the supreme, lasting happiness but we can have it if we strive for it.

As a help from On High, we’ve been  given the key in the parable of the Prodigal Son.  The deep meaning of which became apparent to one through the Grail Message.

As the intro to this parable, our Lord Jesus Christ said:

“Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” Luke 15, Vs 10. (King James Version).

Then He went on to give us the parable of the Prodigal Son; which we now know to be the story of man.  He told us and I paraphrase here;

A father had two sons. When the younger son, became of age, he asked for his inheritance. The father granted his request and the son quickly departed for another country where he wasted his wealth in a wasteful extravagant living.

Soon, the young man could barely survive. He had to take a job, feeding pigs. Then he came to the recognition of his wrongdoings and decided to go back to his father.  Back home, he begged for forgiveness and pled to be accepted back by his father as one of his servants. To his surprise, his father accepted him back with funfair and celebrations and the entire household joined in the celebrations. His elder brother also joined in the celebrations; All were joyful for the Prodigal Son.

In His Divine Wisdom, the Lord vividly showed us how supreme happiness was triggered in some beings by the experience of another; specifically, seeing another on a path that would be beneficial to him. Herein, lies the form of happiness that’s indeed uncommon on earth today.

Now, we know that the entities that were said to be rejoicing for or with the Prodigal Son are the ideal, issuing  directly off the Almighty.  Thus, the nature of their happiness can be nothing but the ideal; spontaneous joy stemming from seeing another creature happy or doing that which would be beneficial to him or her.

We learned through the Grail Message that the strong vibration caused by the emotion of great joy pushes everything earthly aside and sets free the purity of intuitive perception which immediately forms the bridge to the homogeneous purity which permeates Paradise.

“This is the most supreme happiness for the human spirit. The eternal ones in Paradise live in it continually.”            In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message.  

But this form of happiness is obviously impossible without love. One cannot be happy for another or rejoice with another when one does not bear love within.

Peace and contentment are inseparable, coupled with love, they form the inroad to the supreme, lasting happiness.

A mature human being who bears peace within, who is contented with the current blessings being showered on him by the Almighty and bears the love for all human beings within cannot but be joyful when he sees another man busting with happiness. Love for fellow human beings is thus the pillar for a lasting happiness, not the material things or expectations we seek in others.  

In gratitude, let’s send our fervent thanks to the Almighty Father of All for finding us worthy of His love.

                                                                                                                                 © Leo



Life, Man and Supreme Happiness