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“Rest in Peace” is a common epitaph on tombstones.
Rest in Peace!
Human Resting while Angels are in joyful activities?
What a thought! …..
Activities had once been described as elixir-of-life and experience have indeed shown that a life devoid of activities, for all intents and purposes is dead.
Activities strengthen the body, keep body and soul together. A muscle that is not engaged in activities dies off and ends up atrophied.
These we glaringly seen on earth. How do we expect a contrary condition in the beyond and indeed in Paradise, where all the laws act in perfection?
Are the departed engaged in activities or resting in peace in heaven?
Can we with all conviction say that the departed are resting in heaven?
To say that the purpose of all activities, the experiencing and development on earth is solely for one to go and be resting in heaven sounds so strange that one cannot but see the absurdity in such a thought.
Here on earth, a child undergoes development aided by parental training, formal schooling and professional training as the case may be so he or she can merge with the activities in the community, become useful to himself, his family, the community at large and contribute to its up-building. No child goes through the learning period with the sole aim of resting afterward without utilizing his acquired knowledge for development and community up-building.
Are human beings really resting in the beyond after all the experience in this world; experience geared towards development?
From the Knowledge of Life with us today and the Book laden with Divine Wisdom, the Holy Bible and indeed the Teachings of Jesus Christ, we know that man’s spiritual home is Paradise from whence he came as a spirit germ and to where he returns after his sojourn in this part of creation. From them we also got a glimpse of the prevailing condition in the beyond.
Every passage in the Bible with reference to the departed ones speaks of the spirit in one form of motion or another, not resting. Resting for what?
“Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God Who gave it.” (Ecclesiastes; 12;7. KJV).
“Then I heard a voice from heaven saying onto me, “Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their works follow them.” (Rev. 14:13. NIV )
“…that they may rest from their labors.”
Perhaps, this is a statement that has been most misunderstood by many. Is it meant to be taken as a cessation of activities? Clearly no. It’s meant to be understood as the end of struggles for atonement, hence the follow up statement, “..for their works follow them.” For one’s work is the determinant of one’s ascent or descent into the depth; thus it’s the inexorable determinant of the end of the struggles for atonement or continuation of labors for atonement.
The whole Revelation of John is full of Beings, Angels, the Elders etc., in joyful activities. Particularly, we read of the four Beings before the Throne of God:
“Had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, WHICH WAS, AND IS, AND IS TO COME.” (Revelation 5: 8. KJV). “
…and they rest not day and night…”
Clearly, this says it all without any ambiguity.
Angels and other Higher Beings are in joyful activities; giving gratitude to their Lord and Creator and simply asking for strength to be of service to Him.
The beyond up to the proximity of the Almighty Father, we are being shown is a beehive of Joyful Activities. If such a high level of activities permeate the vicinity of the Almighty Father, surely we should know in all simplicity that this is the norm even in Paradise, which of course cannot even be described as proximity to the Almighty Father.
Paradise of course is the final home of those who have gone through the mills of this world and can return there without any guilt soiling their spiritual body; the garment of those who are finally home. How can they get there only to be inactive?
One should indeed pray to be found worthy of joining in the joyful activities in Paradise when the time comes for one to depart this world rather than be in a perpetual state of rest in there. Wishing for a life of inactivity is nothing but a poison to the human soul.
Rest in Peace! Really?