Path to the Truth Truth
Man; an Entity Within Cloaks
Surely man should know by now that ashes go to ashes and dusts to dusts. That which came out of the material goes back to the material. Thus the earthly body being material remains within this material part of creation and decays unless we employ some means of preventing it from decaying as in mummification.
Today, we have indeed seen these mummies and the remains of some departed ones with the objects buried with them, unearthed and exposed to all eyes to see. Without doubt we now know that the bodies have indeed gone nowhere; yet many of us still held on to our conviction in the existence of the Afterlife passed down to us from the past millennia.. For many it’s real.
So, what has departed and embarks on life after death?
Through the Grail Message, we now know what man is. Whence he came and what happens to him after his earthly departure. The two opposite poles of our existence on earth; birth and death are no longer mysteries to us.
We now know that the spirit is the real man. It constitutes the innermost core of man. This is the entity which following its desire for development was granted its wish and had to journey out of Paradise, the Kingdom of the Almighty on to this part of Creation. Along the way it has to pass through different spheres of creation which are non- material. In each sphere it feels its nakedness as the Bible vividly depicted to us in pictures Thus it has to take on a cloak which is consistent with the nature of each successive sphere it passes through . The spirit with its non-material cloaks is called soul.
Coming into this part of creation, the spirit has to take on the cloak consistent with the material of this world. It has to take on the cloak we all know as our earthly body. Again this is not without a process which is in accord with the Laws of Nature whose origin lies in the Almighty Father. By His grace, the opportunity for this is provided through procreation between the sexes and the consequential pregnancy that may follow. Surely no pregnant woman ever misses the first twitching of the growing body within her; that first twitch, which occurs most often towards the middle of pregnancy. This marks the time the real man takes possession of the body prepared for it. That which is eternal takes possession of the mortal body. The breath of life from the Almighty thus takes possession of that, which is material,
With utmost clarity we now see the pictures being conveyed to us in the following words given in Genesis;
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” Genesis 2 verse 7. (KJV)
Out of my conviction in the Work; “In the Light of Truth” The Grail Message which is one with the Message of the Lord Jesus Christ. But I alone bear the responsibility for all I’ve written herein.
What is man? What’s the purpose of life and what lies beyond earthly death?
This chain of questions never ceases to generate feverish rumination within anyone seeking the Truth. Of Life
Naturally, often accompanying this are the burning questions;
What am I? Is this body the real me? If not, then what’s the nature of the entity which constitutes the real me and what happens to it after earthly death ?
These questions are not supposed to remain enigmas and thus the answers mysteries to us. Through the Grace of the Almighty; the answers are now with us and seeking for them should be natural for anyone longing for the truth.
Man on earth is cloaked in the material substance known as his body. The real man lies deep within this cloak but the most difficult task for the average man of today remains, distinguishing himself, the real person from his cloak; the body. This needs not be.
Man’s body bears the sense organs with which we can perceive sound, sight, touch, taste and smell. At one time or another, each one of us must have perceived at least one of these and today, we have clearly recognized and identified the organ responsible for the perception of each one.
Just as we have with sight, sound, taste etc, at one time or another, each one of us must have experienced sadness, sorrow, happiness, joy or inner lightness. Now have we been able to identify the body organs responsible for the perception of any of these conditions? But are these not the experiences that most make the deepest impression on us and most often shape our outlook to life?. Clearly the inner core of man is moulded by these experiences. Not surprising to this writer, science has not been able to pinpoint the organs responsible for the perception s of these conditions in the physical body; for these are the perceptions of the inner core of man, his real self; the spirit; which is indeed non-material. Thus it cannot be explored with material tools.
Indeed many of our sayings, our cultural as well as funeral practices point to some knowledge of Life after Death; that the real man continues to live after we have medically declared his earthly cloak dead. i.e. after our material tools; designed to monitor the activities of this cloak; the body have indicated that it’s no longer functional. We often say; “ The person departs.:” “He passed on..” “The departed.” etc.
In the olden days, the Yoruba tribe of the Western part of Nigeria and the Egyptians brought this knowledge down on to an earthly level. In those days they would bury the body of the departed with clothes, food, cooking utensils, cowrie shells (the Yoruba’s form of money in those days) etc; things that they believed the departed ones would need for the afterlife. Some actually pushed these further into an unimaginably grotesque practice, engaging in killing servants and burying them with departed kings and queens believing that these would continue to serve the royals in the afterlife..
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