Path to the Truth Truth
Consider Thy Neighbour
The period of childhood and the teenage years are the period of learning. The spiritual activities, including the exercise of free will never commence until the transition into adulthood. Until that period, the children are naturally not equipped to exert their wills and make free decisions. Thus the wisdom of the Almighty provides that the parents step in where an exercise of the free will is needed. It cannot be otherwise. The wisdom of the Almighty will never allow an imbalance.
Thus the Part of the Almighty Father Who once walked on the surface of the earth, Our Lord Jesus Christ advised in no small term;
“Thou Shall Love thy Neighbor as Thyself.” In the proper consideration for your neighbors rests everything. With the right love for one’s neighbor, an imposition of one’s will on matters personal to him becomes absolutely impossible. One automatically perceives the caging of the free will preventing the soaring of the spirit.
Proper consideration shows itself in a well-meant advice without an undertone of compulsion and ego. An undertone of ego behind an advice automatically generates a wounded ego and bitterness when an advisee disregards an advice.
True love lies in the simple Words;
“Thou Shall Love thy Neighbor as Thyself.”
In this indeed lies the True Service to the Lord. True Service to the Lord is not in the cathedrals that we’re opportune to build, not even in our Joint Hours of Worship. All these are meant to strengthen us. They are aids towards engaging in the True Service to the Almighty. They are for our own benefit. True Service lies in your contribution towards making this part of creation, a reflection of paradise; the Kingdom of God; Thy Kingdom Come!, we pray.
Do all you can to promote harmony in this part of Creation. Work on refining the inner man with the necessary consideration for your fellow man.. You will be making your contribution towards making the Kingdom of God come.
Today, we see nations whose citizens care for one another, albeit on a low scale, living a transparently better and more joyful life. At the same time we see nations whose citizens are predominantly selfish, proper considerations for their neighbors being far from their minds, living a life filled with pains and anguish; a joyless life. For a nation whose citizens are embarking and continuing on this path, the ability to give a proper consideration to their neighbors will gradually be lost among them, generation to generation.
No one needs be clairvoyant to see that such nations are heading towards perdition. What more do we need to bring the Words of the Savior to life within us?
Out of my conviction in the Work; “In the Light of Truth” The Grail Message which is one with the Message of the Lord Jesus Christ. But I alone bear the responsibility for all I’ve written herein.
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Man fervently seeks for solutions to the worldwide crisis and chaos. Politicians debate all day long. The so called sages ruminate, each offering a different solution. Intellectuals from all works of life are publishing innumerable books and thesis. We look far and wide but we already have the cause and the solution in our hands. In the simple words; “Thou Shall Love thy Neighbor as Thyself” given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ, two thousand years ago lies everything. Upon it revolve all.
If only we can listen and make use of this counsel from On High, the earth would indeed be a Paradise. For in giving the necessary consideration to one’s neighbors in thoughts, words and deed lies that channel through which one can make the Savior’s Words come to life within one. Give the necessary consideration to your neighbors then you’re on the path towards ascent.
Man’s biggest problem in relationships is the imposition of one’s will on another. It’s a double-edged sword hurting the one imposing and the one under his imposition; for submission is alien to the human spirit. Thus the immediate response from a normal human being under an imposition is a resistance. But with the resistance comes the flaring of the ego on the part of the one trying to impose his will, for it is indeed a person with an ultra large ego who dears to impose his will on another. Thus the imposition of one’s will on another cannot but lead to conflict and pains on both sides.
Advising another human being based on one’s life experience is another issue. A well-meaning adviser offers and hands off. He will not be upset if his well-meant advice is not taken, for he’s not being driven by an inner motive to compel; he bears not the view of being superior to the other such that his will has to be done at all cost. He advises simply, not compelling nor imposing, he advices simply out of love.
Thus a domineering person evokes discomfort and disquietude in others while a gentle, considerate individual evokes peace and confidence in others.
Employee-Employer relationship is an issue which stands by itself. Through the acceptance of an offer of employment, one has naturally subjected oneself to the conditions of the employment which may require a compulsion to act according to the will of the employer, even if it’s contrary to one’s will, but even then, this submission will not be genuine. The employee acts according to the employer’s will simply because it’s required of him. If he bears a contrary opinion, he offers it merely as an advice and the employer holds the prerogative of approving or disapproving. Either way the employee acts in submission compelled on him through the acceptance of the employment.
For parents-children relationship, through the act procreation, the subsequent pregnancy and birth, the parent took up the responsibility of guiding the children through their formative years until their generative power breaks through. They took on the responsibility of using all the resources at their disposal and their life experience to guide, protect and take decisions for the children since they are at this stage, learning to make use of their earthly bodies.