Path to the Truth Truth
Characters, Abilities and Talents; in the Genes or Acquired?
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….. in the same environment, but as soon as they can react to events and situations, they begin to show different character traits. So are other children raised by the same parents under the same roof. Each is with his/her unique character traits.
Where sourced human characters and what shapes them. What lies behind the glaring fact that individually, we see and experience events differently.
Some have alluded this to an unalloyed influence of the environment in which one has been raised. Why then is there a sharp difference in the characters of siblings raised in the same environment?
Some say, “It lies in the genes”. Another expression that man often misuse. If characters lie in the genes, then siblings should experience events and react to situations in exactly the same way. But this is clearly not the case. Siblings don’t usually have the same characters and abilities.
That characters are the main determinant of one’s personality is glaringly clear. One sees the real man in his characters. This is so obvious that most often we don’t bother to reflect on it. We often say that it just happens to be so. Whereas this glaring fact is meant to spur us to reflect and see beyond the physical.
Man, often uses the phrases; “It all lies in the genes.” “It all lies in the blood” because many a man do not see beyond the physical body. But indeed, the fact that we all experience events and react to situations in myriads of different ways is potent proof that much lies beyond the physical body.
Again, man is not his physical body.
Life begins to have a meaning and becomes joyful as one begins to see that there is more beyond the physical.
Human characters! Do they lie in the genes or the blood?
In the Infinite Wisdom of the Almighty, here on earth, different individuals at different levels of spiritual maturity are given the opportunities to co-exist. This is a blessing, for it enables each one of us to be subjected to a myriad of experiences. In each experience there are lessons to be learned. Man, just needs to be alert and recognize them. They are meant to advance man’s spiritual maturity.
Each experience with the lessons learned remain indelibly engrained on the inner man and retained through his successive incarnation. They determine how he experiences and reacts to events in the future, be it in the current earth life or subsequent ones.
Thus man’s characters, the hallmark of his personality, are therefore embedded within the spirit, not in the genes. The genes only form the earthly body which is just a tool for man on earth.
When a man reacts to an event spontaneously, i.e. intuitively. That is the inner core of man, the man himself reacting without the influence of the earthbound intellect..
Now, to the question of talents and abilities.
Some have said that talents and abilities are God given.
Yes, that’s true.
As a blessing from the Almighty Father of All, man was sent into this part of creation loaded with latent talents as intrinsic part of him. Each and every one is equally blessed with the potential to develop these talents. But no one can be forced to develop his inherent talents. Each one has to tap on the Free Will to do this. It is in the exercise of one’s free will that lies the choice of which talent to develop. Thus, the differences in the talents, evinced by each individual, even within families.
No doubt there are cases where a particular talent predominates in a family. This does not mean that the talents lie in the genes. The souls predisposed to this particular talent are simply drawn into this family through their homogeneity.
Of course, parental guidance in the actualization of characters, abilities and talents is critical in the scheme of things. That is why it’s never accidental that one was born into a particular family.
In the perfection of the Almighty Father and His Laws, each one is guided to the family that he needs to actualize his personality. But as always in all things, the exercise of free will is also at play here. Acceptance, rejection, or rebellion against the guidance of the parents lies in the free will of the trainee.
Thus, talents and abilities are gifts, given by the Almighty Father, developed through ones’ free will and manifest in one’s works of hands, in activities such
as in speaking, writing, athletics and other spectacular, rare physical activities, whereas characters which manifest in our reactions to issues and events are acquired through successive incarnations on earth. Again what the inner core of man retains indelibly is the experience he acquired during his earth lives.
Thus, strange as it seems there are still some men on earth today who do not make accumulation of wealth, pursuit of fame and power the sole purpose of their life. They are contented as long as they are comfortable. They must have experienced the highs and lows of life driven by such, in their past incarnations or the current one, and have learned some valuable lessons. Of course there are many of the inverse; Individuals, driven by accumulation of wealth, pursuit of power and fame. And of course there are myriads of reasons behind this also dating back to their previous incarnation or the current one, In the Infinite Wisdom of the Father they would be given all the tools they need to actualize this, be it in the current life or subsequent ones.
In awe, one stands in the Wisdom of the Almighty Father Which is all encompassing and radiating Divine Love in everything.
© Leo