Path to the Truth Truth

Great and exalted is the Almighty God; Who in all things showers us with abundance of His love and blessings.

The coming of a child into a family is indeed a source of multiple blessings to the parent as well as the child. Through the act of procreation, the parents to be expressly request and petition for an opportunity to raise and cater for another human soul on this earth as parents until he or she can provide for himself or herself. Whether they are conscious of this at the time of procreation or not is immaterial. Once this request is granted, genuine parents cannot but realize that the fulfilment of the promise laden within this petition becomes a top priority. Thus they cannot but strive and pray fervently for strength to actualise a fulfilment.

Honor Father and Mother” So the Almighty God commands.  Through the writer of the Grail Message we now know that this commandment is not meant to be interpreted restrictively one-sided as to place the responsibility of obedience solely on the children as hitherto; rather it calls for an obedience from both the parents and the children. In its true form, the commandment compels us to honor the institutions of Fatherhood and Motherhood in all things; thoughts, words and deeds. This places a big responsibility for  obedience on both the children as well as the parents.  Parents are compelled through this law to hold themselves in a high level of standard and dignity in all their activities. By so doing they cannot but naturally evoke honor from their children. If they strive to do this in all things, honoring them cannot but come naturally to the child.  Thus, to deserve honor, parents must provide a suitable soil in themselves for honor. Simply bringing a child to the world is not and cannot be the sole reason for deserving honor.     To deserve honor, parents must think, speak and do what is honorable at all times.  If after all said and done, a genuine parent has done all that is deserving of honor and a child still fails to honor such, such a child does have much to account and atone for.

“Thou Shall Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself”; so we have also been commanded.  In reality this is a protection for parents as well as for all in all facets of life. With regards to parents, if one truly loves one’s child, one would strive in all things not to do anything that would bring shame or anything that can hurt him or her in any form. Genuine parents feel more pains for their children when the latter are hurt than when they themselves are personally hurt, especially if they, the parents are the cause of the pains.  Genuine parents strongly sense the need to be disciplined and upright within so as to be able to pass on these noble qualities to the children. The one who is not disciplined and upright within can never be capable of passing on these qualities.

To this end one sees the great wisdom in this counsels and others such as “Let your Yea be yea and your Nay be nay”, passed on to us from on High. The underlying teaching in all is to be exemplary in all activities. This marks a strong pillar upon which a proper upbringing of a child and thus a strong family tie lies.  Also tied to this is the wisdom laden saying;, “Never place yourself in a position in which you have to cover up your true thoughts, and deed behind lies, for only falsehood and wrong deeds calls for cover ups and lies.”  

Ultimately, one lie calls for another and soon one finds oneself immersed in a web of lies.


A child raised in an environment permeated with lies, would most likely grow into believing that lying is normal or gradually resent the parents as he or she matures.  The immutability of cause and effect, actions and their inevitable consequences have to be made crystal clear to the child right from infancy and entrenched in him or her through adolescent and the teenage years. This must particularly be emphasized with regards to inheritance. Raising a child with the belief that he or she can live later in life on the sweat of his or her parents cannot but breed dire consequences for the child as well as the parents; for if the child indeed inherit his/her parents’ wealth, such child is most likely to squander it for he or she has never experienced the joy and pride accompanying the products of one’s hard work. As such he or she cannot value such. Genuine parents instinctively guide their children towards experiencing the joy accompanying the products of hard work.  The parents in turn derive much joy at seeing the radiant joy on a child’s face at seeing the product of his/her hard work.

Every child comes with an innate talent. Parents are meant to provide a suitable environment for the child to unfold his/her natural talents. The parents are to be fully alert to discerning these talents. A fully alert parent would see these talents clearly and helps to nurture it by providing the proper guidance based on their life experience. They are not meant to enforce when it comes to the unfolding of these talents but to nurture, guide and advice.    

3. Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

 4. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

5. Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.”

                                             Psalm 127, vs 3-5. (King James Version)   

The coming of a child into a home, biologically or via adoption is indeed a blessing for both parties; for the child, the blessing of a home and an opportunity for development and unfolding of his/her abilities within the protection of this home. And for the parents; an invaluable opportunity to refine oneself, an opportunity to learn to give selflessly, to give without expecting anything in return, an opportunity to wait and hands and foot on another soul, expecting nothing in return, to love selflessly.

Selfless love brings out the real human being. Thus, this offers a great opportunity to make that which the Almighty has given us as a life-belt towards refinement and development; Love, come to life within one.  It provides an invaluable opportunity to be that which the Creator wishes that we are. Herein lies the Blessings and the Reward.



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           A Child, Multiple Blessings !!