Path to the Truth Truth

God Created man after His Own Image and breathed in him His breath!


Thus through the Will of the Almighty, the creation and the spiritualization of man came to pass. But what has become of that creature created after the image of God !


Is the man of today still that creature?

The man of today wishes to take where he’s supposed to give.  He cares less if he hurts someone, as long as he’s benefited. Clearly this does not reflect the image of an all benevolent God, Who is Love, Justice and Purity in one.

Somewhere along the line of our development, in the world, something went wrong.  Something went seriously wrong.

The early man lived a simple form of subsistence, trustingly opening himself to the guidance from On High. Childlike, the early man absorbs the rays from On High and draws from the kingdom of God.

Using his given intellect then as a tool as ordained by the Almighty, man develops.  He would have developed to be the lord of this world as he was meant to be. But alas! The one meant to be the lord fell.  He developed the tool meant solely to help him here and completely neglected the one meant to connect him with his spiritual home.

Behold! a youth was granted his wish to develop and allowed to journey to a distant land to be exposed to possible conditions that will aid his development and maturity. As key aides towards furthering his maturity, he was given two tools to take along; one he was to use to maintain connection with his home and receive guidance through it.  The second he was to use to execute the guidance received from home in accordance with the prevailing conditions of his environment.

Now, the second tool was adapted to the nature of the distant land, so that as an outpost, it could also take impressions from it and pass them to the first tool which in turn will transmit them home for guidance. The second tool was meant to execute the directives from home. Of course the youth was also given the free will to decide how to use these tools.

Now for some reasons, this youth decided he needs not send impressions home from the distant land for guidance. He started using the second tool itself to process the impressions picked up and acted on it.  He depended solely on the local cycle within the second tool. He made the second tool the receptor, the processor, the adviser and executor.

He neglected the first tool, thus completely cutting off the current to and from his home …..

The result!

What one uses develops and what one doesn’t, use, weakens. The second tool continued to develop while the first one began to degenerate until it atrophied. The youth severed the connection to his home. He gradually forgot all  memories of his home.

That, exactly was what became of man on earth. He germinated and over-cultivated the intellect, the forebrain and neglected the part of the brain (the back brain) which was meant to link him with his spiritual home.

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With successive generations, things went from bad to worse. Children inherit the over-cultivated forebrain and a rudiment of the back brain from their parents, thus the “Hereditary Sin.”

Now man is chained within that in which the intellect is rooted; the material. He is chained to what’s bounded within time and space. Whatever lies beyond that, such as the nature of his spiritual home, he can not comprehend.  Man became materialistic, self-centered and unreliable. Love is no longer the basis of our interactions with each others.         

Generations to generations things get worse. Thus at the time of our Lord,  Jesus Christ he could still come in contact with simple, non-assuming, childlike individuals, who were capable of accepting His Words in simple faith without battling the albatross called intellect.  Among the twelve disciples,  Judas was the only one we know of, who absorbed His Words with his intellect.

Non-assuming, childlike, a rabbi’s wife encountered the yet unknown Jesus and invited Him to her home without her husband’s knowledge. The husband in-turn welcomed Jesus with open arms upon meeting Him in the house.  Jesus ended up spending three days with the family upon the rabbi’s invitation.

Now, let’s place the same scenario in New York, London, Lagos or Cairo of today. A woman who does what Gideon’s wife did would be told to have her head examined.

Now how can we undo this great fall of man?

It would be presumptuous for this writer to say that he can give the answer, for he lives with the conviction that only a part of Divinity can guide us on this. Already two thousand years ago and in the present millennia we have been given Words laden with Divine Wisdom as aides.

Deep truth lies in the words; “Watch and Pray.”  Meaning keep your inner core; the spirit alert.  Keep that through which the spirit speaks to you awake.


Words like;  

Become like Children.”

 “Let your yes be yes and your nay be nay.”

These are all counsels on how to silence the intellect and awaken the intuitive perceptions; the voice of the spirit.

This is not to say that we should not use and develop our intellect here on earth. As a gift from the Almighty, it must be used and developed but in the right sense; as a tool in the hand of the Inner Voice. When and where used rightly, it will always bring about an upliftment, strengthens love and not bring disharmony, harm or destruction to fellow men.

In humble submission to the Will of the Almighty, let’s thank Him that He still finds us worthy of Divine Grace.

--Out of my conviction in the Work; “In the Light of Truth” The Grail Message which is one with the Message of the Lord Jesus Christ. …But I alone bear the responsibility for all I’ve written herein.


                   Whatever  Became of Man!